Watt St Parklet Pilot
UPDATE August 13th: It’s ready! The tables and chairs have been set up, so go ahead and enjoy. Over the next few days, we’ll still be adding a shade canopy, potted flowers and a bus bench!
UPDATE August 17th: The bus bench, a bike rack and one of the shade canopies have been installed!
UPDATE August 23rd: The final shade canopy has gone in!
UPDATE September 3rd: We have gotten permission from the City to extend the project. The parklet will now be in place until the end of October!
UPDATE October 28th: We’ve reached the end of our pilot, and the parklet has come down today. We’ll be leaving the survey open for another week or two so you can still get your feedback in! Click the survey link in the yellow box below!
Don’t forget to fill out the survey by clicking here to tell us what you think!
Watt St Parklet Pilot Project – Summer 2021!
This community-led pilot project was developed in consultation with City staff, building on past ReimagineElmwood projects. This is a temporary setup meant to test different ideas to see how they might improve some things for residents and local businesses in the neighbourhood.
We have installed a temporary parklet/patio (a parklet is a “mini-park”) in the east curb lane of Watt Street, on the half-block between Harbison Avenue and the back lane to the south, beside Kool Deelites. The raised deck platform is one half transit stop, one half fenced-in patio area, accessible from the sidewalk.
This will be in place over the months of August and September 2021 (and hopefully October!).
We are testing whether this parklet/bus platform will help to:
- calm traffic speeds. Calmed traffic would increase the safety of people waiting at the stop, as well as people on bikes connecting to the Northeast Pioneers Greenway via Harbison Ave, and people walking along and crossing a busy Watt St.
- reduce traffic noise. Calmer traffic reduces road noise, leading to a more pleasant and liveable neighbourhood to live, work, play and visit local businesses in.
- make transit more comfortable. By adding a larger waiting area, more seating, and shelter from sun/rain, people waiting for the bus can feel more comfortable.
- improve the neighbourhood. By adding more places to sit, slowing traffic, reducing noise, and making it easier and safer to get around on foot and on bike, we end up with a more pleasant environment to spend time in our neighbourhood.
- help our local businesses to thrive. With a better environment for people to spend time in, we create better conditions for our local businesses to do well, by encouraging more people to spend time here. More people = more potential business.
The information we collect from this pilot (through traffic and people counts, as well as survey results) will help us to develop future projects. Those future projects could be similar ones in different locations in the neighbourhood, improved versions in the same locations, or entirely different projects altogether. The ultimate goal is to make our neighbourhood better, step by step through trial and error, eventually leading to permanent positive changes.

We want to hear what you think!
After you’ve had a chance to visit, give us your feedback by filling out this short survey!
Have Questions?
Project Partners
ReimagineElmwood is a coalition of Elmwood organizations who are working together to bring about changes to the public realm and the built environment to make our neighbourhood a safer, more inviting, more equitable place to live, play, work and do business, for all residents. The partner organizations are:

And with the valued support of Councillor Jason Schreyer